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Redlands, ca
United States


Online registration for Stars of Tomorrow Children's Theater Camp. Where every child is a star with a speaking role in the production. Our musical theater camps for kids focus on acting, singing, dancing, puppetry with lessons in prop-making, technical theater, behind the scenes etiquette, costuming and more. Every child has a speaking part in the show, a chance to perform and shine.

Frequent Flyer Discount

Frequent Flyer Discount Page

This registration page is specifically for customers who qualify for the frequent flyer discount.

You must have already registered for 2 summer 2024 camps.

Frequent Flyer Discount


Frequent Flyer Discount


Register for 2 camps and get $50 off your 3rd camp.

Summer 2024 includes the following 4 camps;

Princess of Egypt (June 17 - 20)

Wonka's Factory (June 24 - 27)

Snow White (July 22 - 25)

Lion King and Queen (July 29 - Aug 1)

The Frequent Flyer Discount is valid on our 2024 Summer Season and cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers.

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