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Online registration for Stars of Tomorrow Children's Theater Camp. Where every child is a star with a speaking role in the production. Our musical theater camps for kids focus on acting, singing, dancing, puppetry with lessons in prop-making, technical theater, behind the scenes etiquette, costuming and more. Every child has a speaking part in the show, a chance to perform and shine.

peter pan counselors funny photo 2023 camp misha clare amy.jpg


Stars of Tomorrow summer camp internship page application. Being a camp counselor is wonderful job experience for theater loves and teens who adore kids. The perfect addition to your summer.


Stars of Tomorrow Children’s Theater is very proud of their Internship Program –where teens and young adults have the opportunity to serve as Counselors and learn to be leaders during our Musical Theater Camps.

The Counselors and Counselors in Training participating in this program will have excellent opportunity to serve the theater arts, and the community. Counselors are carefully selected, trained and placed in a leadership position. This requires patience, love, understanding and a willingness to help.

Musical Theater Camp is a place to learn leadership skills, to grow as a compassionate person, to gain work experience, and a place to have fun.


Must be 14+ years of age

Must attend 2 training days

Must love children

Must be physically and mentally capable of handling an action packed camp day including but not limited to:

  • Playing / Demonstrating Theater Games

  • Dancing with the campers

  • Supervising / Setting Up Craft Time

  • Supervising / Setting Up Snack Time

  • Running / Setting Up Tech

  • Reading the Script with the Campers

  • Setting Up / Striking Scenery and Props

  • Organizing / Steaming Costumes

  • Leading a group of campers through daily activities

  • Cueing a group of campers to enter the stage

  • Supervising a group backstage and maintaining a quiet atmosphere

  • Sometimes having a speaking part in the show

  • Enforcing good behavior during lectures / special guests

  • Enforcing the 3 Musketeer Rule

  • Setting an example of having a blast at camp

Must be willing to take directions from authority

Must be a role-model for students

Must be positive

It is beneficial but not mandatory that applicants be familiar with our Musical Theater Camp program by having previously participated as students.

Counselor tasks are divided among the team to showcase every individual's strengths. Typically tasks are rotated throughout the day until we discover the best fit for the team of the week. Some excel at dancing while others thrive at organizing crafts. Some counselors click with blue tags, while others bond better with yellow tags. There is a lot to consider while creating a camp schedule.