free events local community events christian and religious storytelling theater of Bible stories bringing the Bible to life through art and performance free arts and crafts monthly things to do with kids in redlands free and cheap local fun

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Redlands, ca
United States


Online registration for Stars of Tomorrow Children's Theater Camp. Where every child is a star with a speaking role in the production. Our musical theater camps for kids focus on acting, singing, dancing, puppetry with lessons in prop-making, technical theater, behind the scenes etiquette, costuming and more. Every child has a speaking part in the show, a chance to perform and shine.

BAM and Free Events

Stars of Tomorrow offers free events throughout the year. We aim to include both theatrical and arts and crafts in our programming because we believe all children should experience the joys of building something beautiful and handmade with their hands, and through theater, creating something bigger than themselves.


BAM (Bible Arts Ministry)

Where the performing arts bring the Bible to life through storytelling, character visits, arts and crafts, dance, music, theater and puppetry.

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BAM Meetings

BAM is currently not in session. Check back soon for dates, times and details.

Typically, we meet 10am-11am the last Sunday of each month. We meet upstairs at the First Presbyterian Church at 100 Cajon Street Redlands, CA 92373

BAM’s Mission

We believe in the power of dramatic storytelling and we strive to use our talents and creativity to enrich lives and share the gospel excellently for His Excellency. Utilizing high standards and good morals, we aim to make the stories of the Bible memorable, by conveying the messages and lessons in a positive and nurturing environment.

BAM's mission is to join together as a community and creatively share meaningful stories for His glory.

“…do it all for the Glory of God.” - 1 Corinthians 10:31


Free Events

We frequently partner with the Smiley Library, Redlands Bowl, and Redlands Community Center to bring FREE interactive events to our community.

Check with the Smiley Library Young Readers Room for FREE monthly “Take and Make” craft in 2025!
Check with the Redlands Bowl for FREE Summer Workshops!

VBS Programming

Through the years we have embellished and theatricalized existing VBS programming and we have created VBS programs from the ground up, complete with crafts, music and movement, themed activities and snacks.

We have also brought Bible characters to life for interactive experiences, school assemblies and special events.