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Redlands, ca
United States


Online registration for Stars of Tomorrow Children's Theater Camp. Where every child is a star with a speaking role in the production. Our musical theater camps for kids focus on acting, singing, dancing, puppetry with lessons in prop-making, technical theater, behind the scenes etiquette, costuming and more. Every child has a speaking part in the show, a chance to perform and shine.

2025 Season

Stars of Tomorrow Children’s Theater’s 2025 season of events, will include theater camps and free workshops for kids 6-14. We will be offering our internship program for teens as well. Check back soon for more details.


2025 Season

A golden goose flying over the title Hans and the Golden Goose. The logos of the organizations, Stars of Tomorrow Children's Theater, Redlands Bowl Performing Arts and the Redlands Community Center

Our free 1 day workshops this year will perform the production “HANS AND THE GOLDEN GOOSE”.

We anticipate registration will open in May.

These events are FREE sponsored by the Redlands Bowl Performing Arts and held at the Redlands Community Center. Registration is required walk ins are welcome to wait for a no-show.

Kids arrive at 10am and perform at 2pm. Lunch is provided by the community center. We ask participants to wear a t shirt, shorts and shoes that are safe for dancing.

The 2pm performance is free and open to the public.

No registration required for our MUSICAL THEATER DANCE Workshop. This event is sponsored by the Redlands Bowl, Free and open to the public. Students must be accompanied by an adult.

Dr. Todor Pelev is giving online violin lessons, for ages 8+. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, advanced looking to polish your skills, Dr. Pelev is a world-renowned musician and teacher.

This package includes 4, 60-minute lessons. Lessons will be conducted through zoom and scheduled weekly to fit your availability. Lessons are one-on-one.